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aloe vera plant

QuestionHi...Help..I planted a few aloe plants to give for gifts this Christmas; however; some of the tips have turned brown!!! Can I trim that off - have I done something to cause this? Any suggestions will be so h

plants underneath carrotwood tree

QuestionI have tried growing various annuals and perennials under my large carrotwood tree on the east side of my home (in Sarasota FL), but so far nothing has survived. I have been told by landscapers that this tre

Myers Lemon Tree

QuestionQUESTION: I live in N. W. Florida and have had my tree in the ground since last March. I bought it with about 6 lemons already on it and I have been picking lemons for over a month now. The leave

apple tree health

QuestionHello, I have a 20+ year old apple tree, getting hit hard with borers and sapsucker birds.. Is their a spray, or a solution I can apply to the tree for some relief? I live in southern NV. thanks AnswerNerol

aphids spreading

Questionhi, from northeastern pa...my hibiscus plants are 5 years(peach color)and 12+ years(red). I put them outside late spring and come inside late fall. I wash all my plants before bring them in. some how the hib

Cobwebs on Dwarf Meyer Lemon Tree

QuestionI purchased my Meyer Lemon tree last May and kept it outside until Fall where it is now in a sunny South location. The leaves were becoming a bit yellow, but I thought it just needed more fertilizer since i

Aloe Vera abnormal leave growth

QuestionQUESTION: Several months ago I felt strang but did not pay too muvh attention. This morning I saw my aloe plants have weir growths on smome leave. Part of the leaf has hairy growth or totally dis-figure by

Dracaena Massaganea

QuestionI have recently been given a Dracaena Massaganea in very poor condition. The plant is about 6 ft tall and has three leafing areas but all the leaves are just laying there limp. I was given the plant by a chu

lilac tree disease

QuestionHi, hope you can help me here. I had three lilac trees in my garden, last year one of them budded up, then the buds turned a dark, almost black colour and nothing flowered, no leaves either. I left it for th

emerald green abrovitae

Questionmy 2nd winter transplants about 30 tall are drooping and turning brown, I live in northern nevada and the weather is dry and cold. I have been watering them once a month since winter hit. What might be the p

White growth in soil

Question Infected soil Dear Sir, We noticed our lawngrass(kikuyu) started to recede until at this point few grass is growing and bare patches of soil are getting bigger. Upon digging up the soil t

arboricola plant disease

QuestionWeve had this plant for over a decade. Its about 6 and has white spider web like spots on it.How to rid the plant of this? AnswerHi Jim, I am curious which arboricola plant species you are talking about? &

Marigold disease

QuestionI love Marigold. Each year I plant marigold in full sun near borders to give color to my yard. They flourish good initially but later on they are infested by this silvery scales that eat up the leaves first

Italian Cypress turning yellow

Question The tree Hi, I have 8 Italian Cypress trees. About 4 months ago one of them slowly turned yellow from the outside, the whole tree at once. It finally turned brown and died. Not the one next to it it

Tomato leaves

Question Deformed tomato leaves My tomato leaves are kind of shriveled on several plants. Also a brown color is getting on a lot of leaves. They have plenty of water and I think I fertilized them good.

Brown leaves on tomato plants

Question bad leaves Tomato leaves are discoloring and looking sick and not growing to full size. They have plenty of water and think I fertilized them well. Do you have any idea of what could caus

Stephanotis leaf problem

QuestionI just got a stephanotis plant , I keep it in the kitchen right now, the leaves look as if something is eating it from the inside side out. Some of the leaves are turning yellow but others are not, there is


QuestionWhat is PH factor and how it is related to soil.What is best PH level and how to improve good PH in soil.Give full detail about PH AnswerDear Vivek, pH factor is a test of the acidity or alkalinity of somet

Janet Craig Lemon Lime Dracaena Plant

QuestionHi my name is Alma and I live in California. 5 months ago I got a Lemon Lime plant for my living room, when i brought it home my husband changed it to another pot and he also changed the soil (I didnt know h

Diseases of pomogranate

QuestionRespcted sir In my area large group of farmers are initiating pomogranate cultivation our lands are light soils with good drainage climate remains mostly dry. what willbe the spray schedule for ideal crop if

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