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Treatment for White Fly

QuestionIf I treat my gumbo limbo trees for the white flys will it harm the good bugs. I also have a couple of dessert sienna that are only about a year old and they draw butterflies. I dont want to loos

Yoshino Cherry Tree

QuestionI live in West Tennessee. I have a large cherry tree (I think its a Yoshino - has white blooms in spring)next to our house. A couple of the branches have white patches and the leaves have dropped and the bra

Oak disease -White film between bark and trunk -

Question Picture of tree proble HI Jennifer, I am hoping you can help me. I have a huge old oak tree on a 2nd property and when I left a few weeks ago the tree was beautiful but when I came back a couple week

trembling aspen disease

Questiondoes anyone, I MEAN ANYONE KNOW HOW TREMBLING ASPENS PORTECT THEMSELFS FROM DISEASES PLZ TELL MY ASAP! GOT TO DO PROJECT. HURRY! AnswerHi sumayyah, Do not know if I can help or not as it seems the choice yo

Boston ivy

QuestionWe have planted about 6 plants around the house and most are doing really well except one which is struggling the leaves feel furry to touch and some brown patches on the tips it faces north and in good soil

Weeping Willow tree

Question Weeping Willow I have a 7-yr old weeping willow tree that has red spikey patches all over it. I found a similar question on this website that was answered by Jim Hyland on 9/10/11. Do you

tree fungus? or mold??

Questionpurchased a home with a beautiful tree filled yard, but they all seem to have a blue grey mold or fungus growing on the trunks and branches, lots of it. we live in the midwest, so its on a variety of pines,


Questionwhat kills pine beetles,,,,,,,,,,,i live in ala AnswerHi Kathy: There are several types of beetles that can attack pine. If you are referring to the tiny pine bark beetles, these are the types that pr

Arizona Ash issue

Question Ash tree Hello there. I have a question about my Arizona Ash. It is a younger tree, approximately 10 year old. I Live in Mesa Arizona. A month or so ago the tree dropped a lot of its leafs. Some jus

Oak Tree Spores

QuestionDr. Vann, I have a large oak tree in my yard with hundreds of small holes in the bark. What is this? Will I need to take the tree out? Thanks Bryan AnswerBryan: If these holes (approx. 1/4 inch diameter)

Arborvitae Green Giant

QuestionI live in NE GA and last spring had 9 Green Giants planted along property line. They are gowing fine, about 12-15 now, and new growth on ends of limbs. However, just recently 3 of them are displa

Scale on jade plants

QuestionI have a massive jade plant the I move to a screened in porch in the summer, and back to a southern facing window in the winter. It has developed hard brown scale. It is too big and too infected

Sick Golden Raintree

QuestionI live in Central Florida and I have a large 20-30 year old golden raintree in my front yard that is displaying symptoms of illness. Ive seen neighbors trees (this tree is very popular in my neighborhood) an

Lemon tree fruit

QuestionMy fruit is extremely small and have a dry round indented area on one end...............which turns dark.....help! AnswerHi Connie, I would like to help you, but Im going to need some more information. &nb

White Oak trees

QuestionWe have multiple white oak trees planted in medians and in the landscape... in the past 3 yrs we have noticed that many of them have begun to display clumping of suckers/small internal twigs.. many for them

River Birch Roots

QuestionI live it a condo complex, which has River Birchs between each set of condo. These Birch Tree were planted about 10 year ago and were about 8 to 10 high than. Now they are over 20 high and now the roots are

yellow leaves and blackspots

Questionweeping mullberry fungus problem what conditions creat the fungi problem is it over watering or some other condition. AnswerIt sounds like your mulberry has a common leaf spot that attacks mulberry. T

Cotton Candy/Wooly fungus or insect webs?

Question cotton candy on leaves One of the shrubs in my yard is being overwhelmed with a thick covering of what looks like white cotton candy or steel wool hanging from the leaves. They started on the l

Getting rid of leaf miners on fruit trees.

QuestionHello Jennifer: I heard that a mixture of dishwashing liquid detergent and water sprayed on fruit trees will get rid of leaf miners. Have you had any experience with this possible solution

Foam on trees

QuestionWhy is there foam on my backyard tree after it rains? AnswerWith heavy rain, water works its way through the bark, especially towards the tops of the trees, to the wood underneath. As it runs down towards t

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