QuestionI have peach trees that have bark that splits and lets the sap run out like bleeding. I have one tree left that is in 3rd summer and is doing this. I cut one down last year because it was dying b
Question Black stalk Leaves Hi, I have an Agastache Blackadder that suddenly started wilting - not just flopping at the tip as they can but all the leaves absolutely wilted. This happened on one s
Question Magnolia problem Hi Dr. Vann, Im in Lansing, MI, and I have a Star Magnolia tree with either a disease or infestation. It has hundreds of small white blobs on the branches. They are about
QuestionI have many spider plants in my garden. Several years ago I found 1or2 had leaves lying flat on the ground, they were broken off at the soil level. I discovered beetles which scattered very rapidly bac
QuestionHi. Ive been smelling this smell every time I mow the lawn. Smells like vomit. I realized its my tree. I noticed it on another tree also. Theres areas on the trees that are open with this awful discharge. Bu
QuestionHello Melissa, I live in Dallas - and my query is about my Coreopsis Sunray Shrubs. I bought them, early spring and have them planted as a border to my plants. At first - the flowered beautifully. We had a
Crimson Red Maple Bark Disease
QuestionMy Red Sunset Maple tree is suffering from significant bark damage where the bark releases totally from the sapwood. I peeled it back to prevent insect infestation a few months back. The wood inside has some
QuestionHi,Mam how are you .Kindly tell me what is difference between chelated calcium CaEDTA and calcium chloride.I have sprayed calcium chloride,somebody told me that it will check the size of apples. AnswerDear
QuestionQUESTION: I normally dont keep flowers. However, while in Lowes this week I picked up a container of 4 begonia semperflorens because they were selling for only a dollar! In looking at it more closely Ive not
more pics of my Chinese pistache
QuestionChinese pistache QUESTION: Addition to previous question: we are in Dallas TX area. ANSWER: Pat: From your two photos, I do not see any evidence of a disease. Trunk looks intact from your image, de
Questionhas wood like fungus ? growing on leaves is killing it. still has little green shoots growing out tip of leaves, but it eventually gets growth on them as well AnswerDear Denise, While older Christmas
Questioni have a mini rose bush and in two days time it was covered with webbing and millions of lil tannish mites ? all the branches and roses were dead i cut it back . and sprayed eucalyptis peppermint oil treatme
QuestionQUESTION: What shall I do to stop the browning of the leaves of my newly purchase sago palm plant. I didnt transfer it from its container but place in full sunlight in my front yard, ANSWER: gene: Difficult
browning of sago palm plant leaves
QuestionWhen I first bought the plant the leaves were all green. I didnt remove it from its container and place it in my front yard with full sunlight exposure. A week ago I notice the browning of its leaves, then l
Question Lemon tree Lemon tree Good morning, Kathy. I live on the Gulfcoast of MS. I have 2 calamondin orange trees and 1 Meyer lemon tree, all in pots and all in a potting soil specia
Strange mushroom like growth under my lemon tree
Question Growth in the soil Meyer Lemon dwarf tree I have a dwarf meyer lemon tree. I digged these mushroom like things off the surface of the soil. They are a bit hard and not soft like regular mushro
QuestionHistory:I found two abandoned palm trees in pots. I thought they might be root bound. So I repotted them and cut the trunk and roots down and sorted through the dirt to see the type of care. I live in the Mi
Question spider like stickbug like I have several of these plants and one of them is being attached by what I thought was a squash bug. Not sure now if I am right. I have attached pictures.
Question bugs bug #2 I have a few pentas plants. One of them has a problem with a small white bug. I thought they were stink bugs in the early stages. Not sure. A lot of the leav
Question possible walnut possible walnut I previously send a question to another person regarding this tree. I thought it was an American Chestnut but now I believe it maybe a walnut tree.
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