QuestionQUESTION: Hello,
it's me again.. I Have been noticing this one leaf of money plant getting yellowish , i was concerned but just left . But now it seems to be on it's way to dying . Why do you think this has happened ? And why just one leaf ? It's been 3-4 days . No other leaf has such sign . I've attached two pics for your convenience in answering. (apology for photo's bad quality ,don't have a good cam now)
P.S. No accidents has happened with that leaf that could choke stem and prevent water transmission.
ANSWER: Gaurav,
The photos don't come through for these AllExpert questions so I didn't get to see what you're talking about. If you have another place on the internet where they can be posted send me a URL. Sometimes plants shed older leaves in advance of new growth. This also happens if a plant has dried out once or twice in between waterings. (If a plant is getting too much water the leaves tend to yellow all over the plant - that's a general rule for knowing if too much or too little water is an issue.)
If the plant otherwise looks healthy I wouldn't be concerned about it. Snip the yellow leaf off and continue to monitor the plant.
I hope this helps,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
money plant
money plant
QUESTION: The leaf just fell off a few minutes ago , but still to complete the question i'm trying to send the photos again , if they don't appear this time as wel then check these links :
Hey, as i had earlier mentioned about my Rose plant off which the roses were falling for no reason , it started again. I checked, it doesn't seem to be an external factor. Please be kind enough to check my previous thread to you for further more details(in case you need) . I actually had doubt, of me overwatering but you denied . Ofcourse you are right, it can't be overwatering because i water when soil has become rock solid but for my satisfaction i just didn't water for 2-3 days for 2 times and they had 'stopped falling' , now when i again watered it after one day(a very little water that won't even make bottom wet) two flowers fell off today . Now it's got only two flowers in it and No bud at all . It's very depressing to see it without flowers or even a bud . What should i do ?
It's normal for older leaves such as these to turn yellow and then die off. Plants shed the older foliage as the new grows just as people drop old hair and new grows. (when we're young, at least!) On general with plants if the new foliage looks good and it's only the old leaves that fall, don't worry about it. If all the plant turns yellow that's either a sign of too much water or not enough light.
I hope this helps,