QuestionHi CL: My friend in San Diego has a mandevilla dipladenia growning on a trellis - it's beautiful. I live in Lake Havasu City, AZ and wonder if it would survive long triple digit summer temps along a chain link fence. If not, any other suggestions EXCEPT bouganvilla?
Mandevilla vine is very heat tolerant but needs regular watering in hot temperatures - I'd water it DEEPLY every three or four days in the hottest of weather. (By deeply, I mean NOT hand watering; either let a hose trickle on the plant for 45 minutes, or use a soaker hose or sprinkler for more than an hour.)
Here are some other vines for you to check out - these are all known to be very heat tolerant. Hardenbergia violacea, Queen's Wreath or Coral Vine (Antigonon leptopus), Yellow Orchid Vine (Calleum macroptera or Mascagnia macroptera)/
I hope this helps,