dragon tree
I'd seen this picture on the Internet of a braided dragon tree! it was beautiful!!! i just recently bought mine and wanted to know how to turn it into that!! if you know how to then could you tell me step by step what i can do to turn it into a masterpiece!! Thank you very much!
ANSWER: Kristen,
The braided Dracaenas you see are started as young plants when their stems are flexible. Your plants pictured are probably too stiff to start at this point, although if you clipped off their tops and rooted them, and added a third and then started the braid and kept it clipped as you braided it over the next several months, you might be able to use these plants for a braided tree.
My guess is that it would be easier to find one already braided if you like that look - these are pretty common in garden centers and home centers as well.
all the best,
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you very much!!
i have one last question. if i am to clip it from the top. where do i start the cut? thank you!
You would cut where the bottom leaves are - then strip away all the lower leaves - leave a handful on the very, very top - and put the bottom three inches in moist potting soil (fresh) after coating the stem with rooting hormone powder. (Available at garden centers)
The stem that remains (the lower part you cut the top off of) should sprout two new top shoots, so hang onto it and keep it watered.
I hope this helps,