QuestionI have a hanging potted petunia. I live on an island off the northern WA. coast. My petunia looks like it's dying off. It is getting cold. Should I prune, and put indoors or what wintering do I need to do. Thank You.
AnswerAnn, as an annual, it is not advisable to overwinter petunias. Peunias, like all annuals, go through a normal 6-8 month life cycle where they produce blooms, flower for several months, and then set seed. Only perennials can be overwintered successfully. Annuals will stay alive for a time, but they get woody and flowering eventually stops.
You can continue to prune the plant and deadhead spent flowers up until the time of your first frost. Petunias are one of the more hardy annuals, so they will survive for several weeks past the frost date. As long as you deadhead the spent blooms, the plant will produce blooms.
I hope this answered your question. Please write again if I can ever provide assistance.