QuestionI have bought a 5 gallon mexican heather It was blooming. I planted this as a groundcover. The leaves were green. I am seeing a different color on the leaves a brown color. How much water do they need? The blooms have faded. How do i make them bloom? I live in zone 8. Deb.
Answerit is an annual flowering groundcover which does best in full sun & well drained soil. normally 1" of rainfall (or watering) per 5-10 days is sufficient. it depends on temps, location, and weather conditions. normally you should water in well just after planting. for the 1st 2 weeks water every 2-3 days during dry periods. after they take (2+ weeks) back off on the water schedule. if we get rain sufficiently during the week don't water at all. when a threat of a frost (<40 at nite) appears cover the plants to make them last longer. dead head the older flowers to help produce new ones.