Questionwhite, fungus like growth, covers much of the cactus. what should I do?
scale on a cactus
It's hard to say what you have with out a picture, but here are a few possibilities: The most common pests that affect succulents (kalanchole isn't a cactus) are mealy bugs, root mealy bugs, aphids and scale. I have a picture of the last and will include it. These insects secrete a substance called honeydew which allows fungal spores to attach. If the plant is covered with a fungal growth it is very hard to treat and you are likely to need a new plant. If you want to try to treat, scrape, or with a large infestation, try to hose the damage off, unpot and wash the roots, cutting off an y dead ones, pot in new well draining soil with a bit of insecticide/ fungicide and watch for any signs of new infestation. Be sure to isolate you plant as well. Then spray with an insecticide/fungicide at the first sign of any disease as needed.
Succulents attract insects/fungi when they are over watered, don't have enough sun or are in a soil that doesn't drain rapidly. In the case of your plant the leaves have a nice powdery finish called a "bloom". No possibility this this is your problem?
Hope this helps. If you could send me a picture that would be great.