cactus 1
QUESTION: I have an Easter cactus that I replanted in the fall. It now is growing sticks, there are no buds on the ends of the tips. Should I cut them off or let them grow. It looks odd,is this normal. Ilive in northeast so it goes outside in summer and south window in winter.Hope this picture helps.
ANSWER: The picture is dark (but thanks for it anyway). Are you sure that there's not another plant growing in that pot? Can you send me a better picture? I'd really like to get a look at it. It is odd. Don't do anything if you can send me another closeup. The plant looks healthy. Did you replant with sterilized soil?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Sending more pictures, much lighter. As you can see, the shoots come right out of the leafs.
AnswerThanks for that much clearer picture. The spikes are weak winter growth and you should cut them off at the base. They will never develop and take energy away from your plant. Your's is an epiphytic cactus most likely a hybrid Rhipsalidopsis or Hatori gaertneri. Easter cactus has many synonyms. If you want more information Google either name or you can go to or and click on 'search plants' and type in one of the above.
Other than the winter growth you have a very healthy plant. I'd love to see the flowers. They are usually spectacular.
Hope this helps,