QUESTION: My mother recently passed away and I'm caring for one of her cactus plants. I'd like to know what kind it is so I can research info regarding care and watering, especially watering. I don't have a photo of it but have attached one that looks very, very similar to it, if not identical. Ours once had a flower that also looks the same as the one in the photo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
ANSWER: I's so sorry about your mother's death and hope you are coping as best as you can.
First, I'm not sure it's a cactus, looks more like a succulent to me but would have to see the spines up close.
2nd, I believe those flowers are straw, the kind stores put on plants to enhance sales.
3rd, whether it's a cactus or succulent for now I would water very infrequently. Cactus are dormant and require no watering, succulents require watering when the soil is dry, or some folks only water them when they feel a little softer than usual.
I'll see if I can ID it and let you know if I do. A picture of your mother's plant would help as many are quite similar.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Maureen,
Here's a second shot that zooms in a little more.
Thank you so much,
Mike Lyness
I am having your question e-mailed to me so that I can see if I can download the images. I can't from this site.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Maureen,
I wanted to let you know what I found out before you spent too much time on my problem, as I know you must have tons of questions from other folks. I believe I found what type of plant it is. I may be wrong but from a lot of searching online it looks like it's probably a "Cereus tetragonus" or Fairy Castle. It would be a native of Brazil and of the Acanthocereus genre or genus of cactus.
I could be wrong of course but at any rate the watering and care instructions matched exactly with what you told me to do and I think I'm good to go unless you tell me otherwise. I really, really appreciate your help and advice and I'll be submitting a "rating/thank you" now on the AllExperts page for my question. Wanted to thank you here though in case you don't see the rating replies for some reason.
Many thanks again and I hope I haven't taken too much of your time. Take care and God Bless, Mike.
AnswerYou are absolutely right. It was driving me crazy because I once had a a Cereus tetragonus and they are lovely. Good work! I'm not going to tell you what happened to mine, alas. Your's is lovely and I'm sure your mother will be watching over both of you.