QuestionI have a plant similar to the one described in a previous question (apartment dwelling tall cactus,10/12/2002). In addition to the problem they described, my plant is slowly developing brown dry patches at the base of each growth near the soil. Originally the 10?pot had 5-6 separate growths but I am now down to 3. The others eventually collapsed at the base of the plant and then dried up completely.
Because of the height and weight of the plant I recently had one of the growths fall over out of the soil, roots and all. I did my best to replant it but it seems that the root system is quite minimal. I mention this because I figured it might help determine the problem I'm having. Thanks.
AnswerDear Phillip,
Some cacti naturally develop what is called corking - the brown discoloration sounds like that, but, other than marring the appearance, corking doesn't kill the plant.
It sounds as if you may have some sort of fungal infection. You may need to take cuttings (healthy ones only) and start over again. This is best done in the spring, but if you feel the plant won't make it until then perhaps you might wish to do it now.