QuestionI would like to put this plant on my deck but I don't know what it is called nor how to care for it. It is a cactus with strong dark red tones that looks like a rose/cabbage; it does not have needles. It grows a long thin stem whith small white flowers on it. It survives living by the ocean (in CA) and reproduces itself very quickly. Do you know what I am talking about?
Thank you. Nathalie Corry
AnswerDear Nathalie,
It sounds to me like you have a "Echeveria 'Ruberia'". Please go to the following website just to be sure.
This plant is not a cactus at all, but rather is a succulent. If this doen't look exactly like the plant you have, just click on the link at the top of the website. There are many varieties to look at, however I am fairly certain this is the plant your describing.
The website does give some care info, and I believe the "Western Garden Book" by Sunset Books also gives some care info. I hope this helps.