Black leaf tip
Hi there,
I got a nepenthes from your website a few months ago, and he has been growing great. However, recently I've moved to a condo with less light (NE Window) and I've recently discovered the tip of his lowest leaf is growing black. He currently sits right next to the window; is he lacking sunlight, or am I over watering him? How can I reduce this? His root doesn't seem to be rotting, but it did come brown and hard on arrival.
He also seems to be growing too large to support himself and is leaning over the edge, should I tie it up to a bamboo stick? Thank you!
AnswerHi Duncan,
If this is one of the lower most leaves, this is nothing to be concerned about, and quite normal. Keep in mind that Nepenthes are vines, not shrubs or herbaceous plants. They elongate and climb in nature. Older plants will have long brown stems with no leaves on the lower parts of the plant.
Because Nepenthes are vines, staking them up works well. They can also be potted in hanging baskets. If you want to maintain a bushier appearance you can cut them back, and they will grow new shoots from the dormant nodes at leaf margins. The piece you cut can be rooted also. We have detailed information in our volume #3 DVD on how to do this.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest