two Nepenthes
QUESTION: Hi guys, this question is in regards to my nepenthes I'd. Now my plants are outside and enjoying our hot summer weather around Toronto Canada.they have grown much larger and look much different than when they were young.
Attached are the two species.
Much appreciated and thank you.
Ps outside bog is doing amazing, rotundifolia, Filiformis, Anglica, S.purperea, Minor, Scarlet Belle, and King Henry VFTS.
Your plants are looking great. Both of these look like a Nepenthes x "Miranda". This is a commonly sold hybrid that does very well for most folks. It can also get very big.
Glad to hear your bog plants are doing well also.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
mystery nep
new addition to bog
QUESTION: That is awesome, thanks so much. There is another nepenthes in this next picture if you don't mind identifying for me.
Appreciate it a lot, and thanks.
Ps( I said I had D. Filimormis, it's actually a D. Linearis can't seem to find much info on this apparent native plant.
Keep up the great work guys!
AnswerHi James,
That pitcher belongs to Nepenthes "deRooses's Alata". It's a type of ventrata which N. alata x (N. alata x ventricosa). It's another very vigorous grower, and pretty.
So how did you end up with Drosera linearis? That isn't a particularly easy plant to obtain, or maintain in warmer climates like ours here in Western Oregon. Like D. anglica, they tend to need short growing seasons along with cold winters to do well. Probably why it grows well for you in Canada, and it's a native.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest