Bend Oreophila
Bend Alabamensis
Hi Jeff!
Hope you guys are doing well!
I was wondering if you also have some Sarracenia traps bending like mine? (see attached picture) I don磘 know if it is due to the wind, however if so, why should other species not bend?
Cheers and stay healthy!
AnswerHi JP,
This is not at all unusual for these two species. In late summer most of the oreophila will start falling over being replaced by phyllodia. The alabamensis tends to produce floppier pitchers in the early season, then has a shorter, stockier set toward the end of the summer.
It also looks like your plants could use a bit more sun. Are they partially under an eave? If plants are in less than full sun floppy pitchers in many varieties will be very common.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest