Heliamphora Top View
Heliamphora Side View
This question concerns a heliamphora (H. heterodoxa ?minor) that I've owned for about a year-and-a-half. It has been growing well, increasing in size and putting out new pitchers. I noticed recently that some of the larger pitchers are turning brown (which I imagine may be normal) and the plant is putting out new, green pitchers. However, the new pitchers are not developing nectar spoons. Is this normal (e.g., winter behavior) or does it indicate that the plant has become unhappy for some reason? This is the second winter I've had the plant, and I don't recall this happening last year.
I'm growing this plant in a goldfish bowl under a T5HO fixture (photos attached).
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Best Regards,
Robert Sposili
AnswerHi Robert,
The poor formation of a nectar spoon is usually due to low light. What you can do is move the plant closer to your light fixtures. Another indicator of this is the light green color of your pitchers. H. heterodoxa x minor usually has some splashes of reddishness around the top of the pitchers. Since you have other plants and water trays in the vincinity, the goldfish bowl is of little benefit, so I would just take it out of that so you can raise it up closer to the light.
Looking at the moss growth on the pot, it may also be time to transplant. Winter is a great time to do that. Mixes for Nepenthes tend to work well for Heliamphora as well. We use New Zealand Sphagnum with perlite.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest