Deformed leaf
Deformed pitcher
This Sarracenia Adrian Slack x Judith Hindle shares a pot with two other plants. Ever since it produced three really nice healthy pitchers this spring, the main rhizome has put out nothing but deformed pitcher. The smaller rhizome put out 5-6 healthy looking ones but now it's also giving out deformed pitchers. I have no idea why so please help! I've treated with the Bayers insecticide so I'm assuming it's not an insect problem.
AnswerHi Steve,
Those pitchers are called phyllodia. They are non-carnivorous leaves produced by several Sarracenia species, notably, S. flava, S. oreophila and S. leucophylla. Your hybrid has parentage of both S. flava and S. leucophylla in it, and S. leucophylla produces phyllodia in the mid-summer heat before producing the beautiful fall pitchers. S. flava and S. oreophila produce them in late summer and fall before going dormant. Your plant looks beautiful, and perfectly normal.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest