Bromaliads base
bromeliad close up
A few years ago I got this plant from you. The plant is now starting the next phase of the its life cycle. The part where the main plant begins to die and sends up platelets. I understand from the DVD on the subject this is what naturally happens with the plant. Any suggestions on to make sure the plant lets don't die? I have attached some pictures to this email. Thank you for your time.
AnswerHi Weylin,
Usually the pups start to form before the mother plant dies. Your mother plant is already quite dead. If you have any plantlets forming they must be coming up from surviving roots. Un-pot your plant to see what is still alive. Cut away the dead material and repot in Nepenthes mix. Be sure it's not sitting in water. Brocchinia will rot out (and it looks like that is what may have happened) if it's sitting in water. If you have surviving pups they will develop. Give them a light fertilizer weekly.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest