brown leaves
Hello and thank you for opening this line of communication. Im a huge fan of carnivous plants. They the only plants collect. I even have these as a trademark of my art. I have my tropical picture plant, the nepthes ventures I have it in a north sunlight. I feel that it is not happy. It not growing any pods. It semse that is turning red on the stems part and it has red spot on the stems also. I do water it purified water only. I strongly that I should put in my bathroom close to my shower. What can I do?
AnswerHi Jarrett,
Your plant actually looks perfectly healthy. You should have it in a window that receives some direct sun. Since you're on the West Coast, West or South windows work best, but if the plant gets at least 3-4 hours of sun when the sun is out, that is usually enough. Not enough light is the #1 reason that Nepenthes don't pitcher. The plant you have is a commonly sold, vigorous hybrid called "deRoose's Alata. It's Nepenthes alata x (N. alata x N. ventricosa), and is one of the best first time plants.
Take a look at our care guide page on growing Southeast Asia Pitcher (Not picture) plants here: After you read this, compare it to what you are currently doing. Make the changes you need to, then visit us back here at Allexperts if you have further questions.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest