Terracotta Pots from I
Normal Terracota Pots
Hi Jeff, Jacob,
as we all know, Darlingtonia grows best into terracotta pots.
Today I went to the store, looking for such. I found large ones, as it should be. However, there are also Italian terracotta pots, they are more porous. Should I go with these since they are more porous?
Terracotta is best for cephalotus, drosophyllum and byblis, right?
Nice weekend.
AnswerHi JP,
You probably just need to evaluate which ones will hold up the best. I've never used the Italian pots, so I don't know if they are more brittle or are likely to start chipping quickly. You may just need to experiment. The regular ones are more than porous enough to give the cooling effect.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest