QUESTION: This is my first time growing my plants outside. My sundew is in a water trough with a VFT and Pitcher plant. The other two plants are doing well even still putting out a few new leaves. The sundew seems to have died down. It appears to have small green buds at the base. I tried to get a picture. Are these resting buds? I plan to review the DVDs for over wintering advice but I just want to make sure everything is OK now.
ANSWER: Hi Patricia,
Those are the winter resting buds. Your sundew looks exactly like it should for this time of year. Those are called hibernacula. From the dead outer leaves I'm assuming this was a Drosera filiformis? It will look like this all through the cold weather, then begin to re-emerge in the spring, unfurling like a fern.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks and yes you guessed the plant correctly. I appreciate the prompt response. I was just making sure everything was all good especially since I lost all of my tropical sundews to mislabeled water.
AnswerHi Patricia,
I remember when I was early in my collection I thought something may have been wrong with both temperate sundews and butterworts, but they tend to go dormant early. It's probably an adaptation to dry conditions that can be common in the late summer/early fall. The more Southerly species such as D. tracyi and Florida forms of sundews tend to grow much later into the fall.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest