Nepenthes A
Picture B
I have this weird pathogen like pest or something that is infecting some of my nepenthes plants. Most of the plants that are infected are plants that share a parentage with Nepenthes Venticosa. The only one that is not a Nepenthes Venticosa parentage is in Picture A. The pathogen however, did claim a victim. I have been using Pyrthin on the plants infected. A symptom of the pathogen is a saw tooth like structure on the plants. Also it seems like a fungus grows on the surface of the soil. I have treated the plant in Nepenthes A with Daconile. Is there anything else I can do? Do have any experience or know what I am dealing with?
Weylin C
AnswerIt's difficult to ascertain the exact cause without examining the plants myself. The only thing I can recommend is to repot your plants into fresh soil and spray the plants with a systemic insecticide, such as orthene. You should also spray the new soil with sulfur or neem oil to prevent future outbreaks of mold. While I can't identify the exact cause, this type of treatment should take care of pests and fungus that may be affecting your plant.
If you want, send us one of your affected plants. I could then examine the soil and leaves more carefully. If you agree to send a plant for closer examination, contact us through our website. I'll then give you instructions on how to do so.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin