QUESTION: Hello guys!
I have a Madagascarensis and its doing well but when it grew it kinda fell to the side. Is that normal behavior? She looks healthy but as you can see in the pictures it kinda loss power for a second there.
She takes sun in the morning and get indirect light the rest of the day. I live in the tropical island of Puerto Rico :)
ANSWER: Hi Gabriel,
What is looks like is your sundews need more sun. This floppy nature is often a result of this. In nature these plants would get sun for most of the day. Your D. spatulata next to your D. madagasgarensis definitely needs more sun. The tentacles on the sundews should be dark red.
What you can do is just prop up the stem of your madagascarensis with a small stake for now. If you get them longer sun exposure they should develop stronger stems.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hello :)
Thanks so mucho.
Need to say that the other plant is not a D spatulata, I have a spatulata in full sun and ..yeah the tentacles are very red :) the one that you see is a Drosera intermedia. You suggest to give more sun ? I read that drosera intermedia are temperate :/
Thanks again
Drosera intermedia
Hi Gabriel,
Yes, lots more sun. I've included a photo I took of Drosera intermedia in North Carolina in August 2012. The only shade this plant had was a few sprigs of grass, and the temperature that day was in the low 90's. If a plant comes from a temperate climate, it doesn't mean the summer is necessarily cool, just winter. Your plant is in active growth. Otherwise it would have formed its winter resting buds.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest