yellow and brown spots
yellow and brown spots
I was wondering about the yellow spots on the leaves the plant just seems like it hasn't grown any bigger/at all, since the yellowing has started. it gets distilled water is watered every day overhead with 81 percent humidity at night 57 percent during the day. 81 temperature during the day 70 at night. its in a glazed pot. also in a terrarium with good ventilation and a water table below to keep humidity. Queen of Hearts X King of Spades. Thank you
AnswerYellow leaves can be the result of very strong lighting and/or excessive heat. Since you didn't mention anything about your ligh source, I can't comment on this aspect of your culture.
Yellow leaves can also occur with age or change in environment. You didn't mention how long you had the plant, but if you recently acquired it, this would be a natural process as the plant acclimates to its new surroundings. This plant grows very slowly and it's normal for older leaves to discolor. The pattern in which the discoloration is occurring is consistent with age and change in environment.(Your lighting could be stronger now than at the previous nursery. But since I don't know if your plant is a recent acquisition, this may or may not be relevant.)
Discoloration can also occur if the nighttime temperature is too warm or too cold. In your situation, I would recommend dropping the temperature at night if at all possible. This is a highland plant, and it appreciates cool nights in the lower to mid 60s. It will grow fine with your temperatures, but you might have to accept the discoloration.
You did mention something that concerns me - daily watering. It's not at all necessary to water this plant daily. In fact, you could be doing more harm than good. While you want the soil to be moist, you don't want it to be constantly soggy wet. There's a difference between the two. Keeping the soil moist allows proper aeration around the roots. Soil that is constantly soggy wet doesn't allow for good aeration. Could this cause the yellowing? Possibly if the roots are not healthy enough to absorb sufficient water. Yes, this seems like a contradiction, but too much watering can make roots unhealthy, which decreases their ability to absorb water despite the constant presence of water.
Based on the information you provided, I recommend not watering your plant so much. Water it only when the top soil begins to lose dampness. You may also need to be patient. This plant grows very slowly, and is one of the slowest growing Nepenthes in cultivation. You may not see the results of any changes to the environment for another 3-6 months. Keep in mind that the discoloration is permanent. Nothing will reverse it on the existing leaves. You will need to wait for new healthy leaves to cover up the older ones.
In general, this plant grows fine as a regular houseplant in a sunny windowsill. There's no need for growing this plant in a terrarium. I have customers who grow this plant and other Nepenthes in their windowsills with very good results. I have customers in San Diego and Los Angeles who grow their Nepenthes outdoors during the warmer season. For more information about growing Nepenthes, read our care guide on our main website.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin