QUESTION: My white top is making what appears to be damaged leaves. If this is an insect attack, what brand of insecticide should I use?
ANSWER: Your plant has the classic signs of pest damage, possibly aphids or thrips. You won't necessarily see them since they tend to attack new growth. The base of plants are rarely damaged by these insects. A systemic insecticide is your best solution. Follow the instructions we provide in our video podcast about insecticides:
Keep in mind that the damage to the leaf is permanent and won't be reversed by spraying with an insecticide. However, you will prevent further damage to emerging leaves.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I bought the Bayer advance (Natria version) for the bug problem on my Luecophylla. It's active ingredients are sulfur and pyrethrins. Is this a a safe insecticide for my sarracenia.
AnswerThat product is safe to use on plants. However, pyrethrin is a contact insecticide, which means the insecticide needs to contact the pest to kill it. So this product is only effective if you can see the pest. You may also need to spray weekly since pyrethrin breaks down in sunlight and doesn't have any lasting effects.
The sulfur has no effect on insects. It's a fungicide and helps prevent mold and fungus.