Nepenthes ?
nepenthes ?
I got this plant a while back a while. It is the nepenthes that you had no idea what they were. I was wondering if this plant is suffering from root rot or not. I have repotted this plant in a new soil this summer. I have attached some pictures of the plant. I have also included some general growing information. Please let me know if there is anything else you might need.
Grow info:
Water: Distilled.
Sunlight: 40 watts CFL tubes.
Hours of sunlight: 14 hours
Weylin Callery
AnswerHi Weylin,
As long as you're not leaving the pot of this plant sitting in water, it's hard to say what the problem is without knowing more about the species. From the appearance, this look like a time when keeping the plant in higher humidity would be appropriate. If it is having root problems from the transplant, doing that will help it recover by cutting down transpiration. A weak fertilizer could help also.
The appearance of the leaves makes this plant look like it might be an N. albo-marginata hybrid. If it is, it likes warm temperatures and higher humidity.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest