overall placement
Hi Sarracenia Northwest! About the first question about the venus flytraps grown in foreign conditions unfortunately most of them did not survive but only 2 plants. What I should of done is did what it says on the first volume of the DVD which is too acclimate it to lower humitdity and full sunlight. I wish I had the dvd sooner so I would have known but all your plants that I have bought from you are thriving. Now for the question, I have recently bought flytrap seeds today and I'm curious to if they will need to go dormant since fall is about to approach or do I just keep them indoors and wait next year to let them go dormant next year. I have them in peat and perlite mix equal parts and did not sprinkle any soil on them since im scared of accidently burying and losing them, standing in half inch of water, indoors in a north face window as I'm concerned about ants and birds stealing them( no sun). My first time sowing and trying to grow flytrap seeds. I have capensis, ordensis, and derbyensis. Wish me luck! And thank you.
AnswerHi Alan,
Flytrap seedlings can go a season without dormancy. I would spray the seedlings with a fungicide, however, like we show in the video. There tends to be more mold spores indoors, and that can be a problem. If you can find a location for them next year that will be cool in the winter, but not super cold, that would be a good location. Older plants are easier to condition for a cold winter than seedlings.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest