QuestionI'm still fairly new with plant terrariums, though I've done animal terrariums for years. Ever since I was a child I've loved and had a few carnivorous plants. I have bought a few basic kinds (few venus, couple pitcher, one butterwart and one sundew) along with some live terrarium moss and a lichen for this terrarium that all do well in moist environments.
I found a wide mouthed bowl (almost a 16" diameter sphere but for flat bottom and ~6" hole at top) that I love and this will be my enclosure, and my wish is to put it as the centerpiece on our dining room table. The issue is the dining room window is northern facing and I'm not sure that is enough light. Right now I have a couple plants in my eastern facing kitchen window awaiting transplantation to the terrarium.
I am wondering if more light is needed and if so, how I can accomplish this while still having the dining table look presentably nice. If I put a bright, full spectrum light in our dining room light (with dimmer) would that be enough :bright but diffused light" for the plants? Also wondering about sconces or something? The room gets enough diffused light during the day that we don't need a light on or anything, is this enough? The only other free space I can think of that has decent light and a flat surface is on top of the dog kennels, but those aren't exactly eye catchers...
Terrarium 6
Terrarium 8
Hello Jessica,
Thanks for asking me for your help for I have been growing thriving carnivorous plants in terrariums for over 50 years! OK to get started a carnivorous planted terrarium is NOTHING like a reg. plant or animal terrarium, I mean NOTHING!
Know from the start placement can be anywhere as long as these growing requirements are meet! 1. Wet all the time but not soggy! 2. Mineral-free water best is distilled water what is what I have used for all these years. 3.Mineral-free soil and I only have used long Faber sphagnum moss. 4. Lots of light. My carnivorous plants have never seen sunlight, I use artificial lighting. You will always have the control! Lowes has low priced plant & aquarium F-40 2 and 4 foot sizes! I give my plants 12-16 hours a day for them to have great color and to thrive for six months to be taken out of the terrarium and placed into dormancy for six months! 90% of ALL carnivorous are NOT tropical meaning they will need a dormancy(a rest) of 5-7 months for your plants to grow and thrive in getting larger! No dormancy and in time your plants will start to slow down in size color and in speed of growth to then longer just die away! If this is long term terrarium I can help with a list of needed thing, like in a 10-20 gallon size tank, for these are the best sizes for beginners and a great place to start this hobby and by the way this is starting a hobby for sure and will take time to care for your plants! Once we found out what tank or bowel you FOR SURE will be using and you want me to help with set-up I will but just so you know I don't half step with this hobby for I love it so much and a carnivorous terrarium is so much more then a add place of art! Looking forward to your plans and plants list I will help you with!