Fork Leaf Drosera
QUESTION: Hey guys, Jason here. I got this fork leaf Sundew from a guy here and I wanted to know what fork leaf variety it is. As you can see by the picture the older growth is all red and the new leaf is more green do to light. My wonderment besides the type of fork leaf it is, is how to care for it. Does this plant require a dormant period is my biggest concern. If so I'll move back outside, which I'll be honest I'll probably do anyway. Thanks for the help. Jason
ANSWER: Hi Jason,
Unfortunately, until this plant is a little older I won't be able to give you a good ID on this. Many of the D. binata forms look very similar when young. I've had groups of these in our greenhouse that lost their tags and I couldn't tell them apart until older. Do you know if this plant was a root cutting or seed grown? If it was seed grown it's more likely to be one of the temperate forms.
I wouldn't worry about moving it outside. Even if it is a temperate form it will probably be fine in your window for now. When it's older and we can make a better ID and you can find the best spot for it.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Arizona Drosera Regia
QUESTION: Hey Jeff, sorry don't know if it's a root or seed plant. So I'll just have to wait. Thank you though for your help. I thought I'd also let you know about another experiment that I been doing with the Regia I bought from you. It's been out in full sun since early October when we were in the midd 90's with humidity under 10%. The plant is still out and temps now are upper 50's to midd 60's day and 30's at night. The plant has awsome color and a ton of dew. When an insect is on the leaf they curl quickly. You and Jacob have a merry Christmas and again thank-you for all the help you both have provided me in growing these awsome plants!! Jason
AnswerHi Jason,
Beautiful regia. I find that this plant continues to amaze me the more I see them.
I'm glad we've help you, and that you're enjoying growing carnivorous plants. Have a great Holiday season.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest