N. rafflesiana
QUESTION: Pls can you help me, i dont now what is meant with this color of my nepenthes rafflesiana leaves.
ANSWER: Hello Juraj,
Your Nepenthes looks like it is getting a lot of light. That is the way many Nepenthes, and plants in general, handle high light levels. Kind of like a human getting a tan. There is nothing wrong with the plant. Most species of Nepenthes will develop orange, red, or purple coloration on their leaves and pitchers if they receive a high intensity of light.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hm Thank you Christopher,for the answer, i feared som plague, i have an metalhalid 150W daylight reflector 50-60cm above, but i am stil scaptic about it, my bicalcarata has som weir coloring on the edges too, it gous from black like burnt to red, now in winter i have inside stabil 21癈 - 23癈, so i fear that is not good for the lowlanders in my tank, the ampularia cantle s red, has young leaves and they are red dots too, hell. could i send you more pictures maybe?
AnswerHello again Juraj,
If some of your plants' leaves are being damaged you may need to rediuce the amount of light slightly. Metal Halide lights are very hot burning lights. You will have better results with cool white 40 watt florescent lights. I have 6 40 wat tubes over my Nepenthes providing around 18000 lumens to the plants with minimal heat output. Red dots and coloration are fine, but brown or black burning on the leaves is not.