Venticosa photo #1
Venticosa 2#
I repotted this nepenthes this summer( sometime around August) in some Spaghnum Moss that I got at Home Depot. The plant looks like there might not be enough oxygen around the roots. My question is should I repot this plant? I did use the Spaghnum Moss on bigger and older Venticosa , but I also used fast draining mix that I got From Sarracenia Northwest. That plant is doing fine. I have attached 2 photos of the plant in question. Also other general growing information. If I forgot something that might be helpful ,please let me know. Thank you again.
Growing information
Water: Distilled
The Sphagnum Moss. = Better Gro . for Orchids. Premium Sphagnum Moss for Orchids.
Lights - 40watts tubes
AnswerAs long as water drains through freely, the roots are likely getting enough oxygen. If there were issues with root health, such as rot, you will likely see the growing tip die off and possibly leaf collapse. I'm not seeing any of that in your photos. What I see are turgid green leaves. The new growth is smaller than the older growth, but that's normal when you change a plant's environment, especially if you increase the lighting and/or decrease humidity.
If anything, I would recommend that you remove the plastic pot from the ceramic pot. You may have done that for aesthetic reasons, but if the plastic pot is sitting in water, you will increase the chances for root rot.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin