N. maxima X talagensis
N. maxima X talagensis
I have two Nepenthes, one is N. maxima X talagensis and the other is N. ventricosa X ramispina.
They are both doing poorly since I moved from northern California down to southern California. The humidity up north in Eureka is higher than down south in Temecula but Temecula gets much more sunlight and warmer temperatures than Eureka.
They have at this point lost all their pitchers, dried out, and produced new plants which are not putting out pitchers! I feel they may need repotting just because they haven't been potted for a while but they have plenty of room in their pots? I also think they may not be getting enough humidity even though I mist them at least once every day so I wonder if they need a terrarium environment to help hold more humidity in?
What suggestions do you have?
AnswerHello David,
The pictures help greatly. Looking at the pitchers, you are 100% correct. The reason that they have died back, does appear to be a lack in humidity but it could also be a temp change, lighting change etc. This happens in many cases. Drastic change in conditions, a nepenthes will definitely show it. My suggestion to you is to try a terrarium, and give it a more controlled environment, try to mimic the conditions you had in Nocal and see what results you get. I grow all my nepenthes this way, lowland and highland alike. Also, I wouldn't suggest re potting quite yet until you get them pitchering again. Keep in mind, you do have highlanders, so temps might also be a factor, but without having your exact temps and humidity, Im taking a shot in the dark.
I hope this helps, please respond to this if I can help further,