QUESTION: Hi,I bought this plant about a year ago from you guys and is one of my favorites.Iam including a pic.As you can see from the pic small rusty looking marks on the new leaves and they are kinda deformed looking.I have about 50 types of Nep. and there is 3 others that the leaves are this way.
It grows in my small highland greenhouse in Oregon I keep the greenhouse heated and a/c for winter and summer months.Humity changes from about 40% to almost 100% at times.I water about 3 times a week in summer and once a week in winter.50% shade cloths in summer and nothing for winter.
I hope this is enough info. for you.
You may have thrips on your plants. Get a hand lens and look carefully near the damaged areas both on the top and under the leaves. If you see some long, thin bugs, that is what is causing the damage. You can treat with most insecticides. Here's a link to our insecticide podcast:
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the link,I think I have wacthed that vid 5 times now.I looked through hand lens at the plants I found very small white not to long but somewhat fast bugs on two of the plants.Not alot of them though,I figured with that much damage that there would be more of them.Does that sound like thrips?Another question is I have other plants near the damaged plants including some small seedlings.I feel like I should spray or treat all the plants in the greenhouse just to be sure.Would you recomend me doing this?I was going to treat them with neem first and if that doesnt work the pyrethrin.Does that sound ok.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions it is much appreciated!I added two more pics of the effected plant.The last pic is why I dont want to loose this awsome plant.Thanks again guys.
AnswerHi Tom,
That is a very nice plant. It looks like a Nepenthes ventricosa hybrid.
Your fast little white bugs probably are Thrips. I remember the first time I had a Nepenthes with these I was racking by brain as to why my plant was looking bad until I saw the little nasties on the plant. You don't really see many of them at once, and the larvae are super small. The larvae cause most of the damage.
Neem or Pyrethrins will get the job done. Just be sure to reapply at the recommend intervals to kill any that hatch out. Neem might be a little better since it will last longer. Spraying your other plants near it is a good idea, especially if any of them are showing similar symptoms.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest