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Its been about a year and my N. Izumae x Ramispin still havnt fully pitched

Nepenthes Izumae x Ramispin and Miranda
Nepenthes Izumae x Ram  
i bought a Nepenthes Izumae x Ramispin a little over a year ago. and for some reason it will not fully pitch. little pitchers will form but will not fully develop. the vine connecting to it tends to shrink away

the substrate i use are equal parts peat moss, sphagnum moss, perlite, and charcoal bark. It is facing south window covered with sheer curtain, a house blocks my view so i dont get much harsh direct sunlight in the afternoon. i water it with RO water which i also use for my aquariums, i do not mist. it is currently in a 4x5.5 pot. and the plant is little less than 5 inches tall

my N.miranda and N. deroose do so well in my room and always pitch. not sure what im doing wrong with this guy

Hi Jad,

You may not be doing anything wrong.  Nepenthes can be very different from species to species and hybrids.  From my experience N. ramispina is slow to pitcher anyway, so a hybrid of it could be too.

Try repositioning your plant so it getting a bit more sun.   Try a pebble tray under the plant to raise the ambient humidity.  If you're not already, use a weak fertilizer on your plant too.  Use an orchid fertilizer mixed at 1/4 tsp. per gallon of water once every two weeks.  Here's a fertilizer I've had good luck with this one over the years:  http://www.amazon.com/Grow-More-5271-10-Ounce-20-10-20/dp/B004G1CU6Q/ref=sr_1_4?  

Because this is a highland hybrid, you might try watering with cool water at night.  They are used to an evening cool-down in nature.

Let me know how it goes.

Good Growing!

Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest

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