QuestionQUESTION: Hello i have two Nepenthes Ventricosa hybrids in coconut husk baskets with New Zealand spagnuhm moss and orchid bark at the bottom i water with rain water and keep the them stored in a mini greenhouse rack that i keep unzipped and shaded with a shower curtain liner. The leaves on the plant suddenly went leathery copper brown and the top center growth point is droopy and black should i cut the black part off ?
Also how hot is too hot for Nepenthes the basket and soil always feels very warm and is it OK to water them with coffee water or black tea water i heard about the coffee treatment on the internet
ANSWER: Hi Malcom,
You need to have a thermometer in the little greenhouse so you can monitor temperatures in there. I recommend one of the wireless ones so you can monitor it from your house and intervene if temperatures go too high during sunny weather. In general, if the temperature is going above 90 it's too high. The black part could be from excess heat. It is ok to cut it off since it's dead.
There's been some lengthy discussions on using coffee to fertilize Nepenthes. Coffee grounds are also very popular in vegetable gardens. They are considered similar to grass clippings for compost in terms of the amounts of nitrogen they release. I've use coffee a couple times, and it caused no adverse effects, but I didn't see the dramatic results many talk about. I'm guessing that like all fertilizers, your growing conditions need to be optimal, then it is helpful. If they are not, it won't help. My trial was during the winter, so conditions were not great. The growers I heard great reports from were in Florida.
Out of curiosity, where did you read about the coffee treatment? I've had two questions right in a row about it.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Well i personally heard about the coffee treatment threw a youtube user who has Nepenthes plants. He said after he used it growth of the plant and live moss exploded the same thing was repeated on the carnivorous plant message boards people are swearing by it ???
also how far down do i cut the black middle leaf will a new leaf grow from their
Thankyou =)
AnswerHi Malcom,
Thank-you for the links. If you're plants are healthy, give it a try.
If a leaf is partly dead, just cut the whole leaf off. It won't grow a new one there, but it is of no benefit to the plant. If you cut a stem, you will get new growth from the first dormant node.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest