QuestionI have 2 questions about Heliamphora heterodoxa and one of it's hybrids. How tall does H. heterodoxa get? I want to grow it in a terrarium but I don't know if a mature plant would fit in it. My other question was about H. heterodoxa x minor and it's height. I also might get this plant to grow in a terrarium but I wasnt sure if it would fit? I know that the H. minor would make this hybrid smaller than a normal H. heterodoxa but i wasn't sure how much smaller. The terrarium is about 1 foot tall. Is this enough space?
Sun Pitcher in pots, f
Sun Pitcher planted in
Hello Jared, Your two questions are great ones and ones I can help you with! I have found that if you plan on having any 'Sun Pitcher' (Heliamphora) in a terrarium both planted and not. What I mean is I have both H. heterodoxa & H. minor and they have gotten to almost 12 inches tall and still thriving and have both planted them inside the terrariums and just placed the pots inside the terrarium and it has worked well but, you need to have from 15 gallon and up side to do so. If you not have a terrarium case design that big you will out grow your Sun Pitcher fast and Sun Pitcher do not like being moved so please try to keep in place as you have designed for as long as possible! Thanks Jared and happy growing would enjoy seeing some photos of your plants and set-up! Daniel Lee Bowen