Sarr hybrid
Hey guys,
I picked up a Sarracenia hybrid at the Portland Home & Garden Show, and was wondering if you could help me identify it. The plant was labelled as leucophylla x oreophila, but I'm not sure that this is correct. The pointed lid gives me the impression the plant may have some purpurea in it. Anyway, I was hoping you guys might be able to tell me what it is.
AnswerHi Matt,
If this is the plant I think it is, it is probably (S. leucophylla x S. oreophila) x S. minor. You'll need to wait until you have new leaves this spring to tell for sure since these late leaves can be more deceiving. If that's what is is, it's a really pretty plant. When the new pitchers develop they should have distinct fenestrations on the back.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest