Drosera multi fida
QUESTION: Allexperts,
I emailed my last question asking if the D. Multifida extreama was gone. I look at the plant today and there were very little red or green at the crown of the plant. Most of the plant material is black. I have no idea how this plant is close to death as it is. I did take some root cutting in hopes of getting some root cuttings. I have attached a photo to this email. Is there any hope that this plant could have made it.
ANSWER: Hi Weylin,
It does look like the crown has died on this plant. It's common for Fork-leaf sundews to come back from their roots, however, if they are still in good shape. If you take it out of the pot and inspect the roots they should be firm still. When you cut one they should have a white center. What I'm not sure about is what has happened to your plant. Fork-leaf sundews are not normally troublesome, or prone to many pests.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Allexperts,
Hey sorry I thank you when I wanted to ask a follow up. The roots are firm, as of now. there are a couple that are white, but not all of the roots have a white center. Is there any other tests to now if this plant will make? Also how will I know if the plant is trying or making a comeback from the roots? As always thank you for your time.
Weylin Callery
AnswerHi Weylin,
Since the crown of your plant may already be dead, and you're taking root cuttings, I wouldn't expect the original plant to recover. Instead just focus on taking the cuttings. Roots that don't have a white center are probably dead, so discard those. With the others cut them into about 1-2" sections and place them on your peat media. Spray them with a fungicide, cover with a transparent cover, then put them under your lights. Each section will have 2-3 plantlets form on the roots in about 3-4 weeks. When the plants are couple inches tall they can be potted up. Be sure to harden them off before taking them out of the propagating chamber. We have detailed information on doing this on our volume #2 DVD.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest