QuestionI have two Pinguicula grandiflora plants that are going dormant right now. I was removing dead leafs around the hibernaculum and found something interesting, dozens of little green bud like structures at the base of the leaves, and one of them had even developed its own roots and leaves. I decided to take them and spread them into other areas of the pot and see if they would grow new plants. So are these true gemma, or a different type of vegetative structure?
Garrett Jepsen
AnswerHi Garrett,
They do, and those are gemmae. They form throughout the winter. I like to harvest them in February and plant them. Just like Pygmy sundews they have a short viability once removed from the parent plant, so plant them as soon as removed. This is our primary form of propagation for hardy butterworts. All varieties that form hibernacula make them.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest