Shrinking Primrose But
QUESTION: I am concerned about a primrose butterwort (Pinguicula primuliflora) that I have owned for about one year. While the plant seems healthy, it has continuously shrunk in size. As the large old leaves die off, they are replaced by fewer and smaller new leaves. I worry that the plant may be declining slowly. On the other hand, it is flowering continuously and profusely. If I were to clip the flower stalks as they sprout, would the plant devote more energy to producing more and larger leaves?
The plant is in a self-watering pot, is near a south-facing window and also under fluorescent lighting.
ANSWER: There are numerous reasons for this type of growth habit. However, it's a bit difficult to pinpoint which factor is affecting your plant. The most common problem is fungus. This species is very prone to fungus. Judging form the amount of dead material on the soil, this is a strong possibility. Ideally you should be clearing out the dead leaves as they occur. This will help reduce the risk of fungal infection.
Other factors could be pests, nutrients in the soil, and unhealthy soil.
At this point, your best bet would be to repot the plant into fresh soil. If the poor growth is due to fungus, pests, nutrients in the soil or unhealthy soil, changing the soil will take care of this. You should also sanitize your pot if you plan to place your plant in the same pot. Make sure to rinse the pot completely of any sanitizing agent you use.
As a precaution, you should also spray your plant with a sulfur fungicide. Watch our video podcast on the topic.
I also recommend watching our video on growing Primrose butterwort.
And yes, cut off the flowers as they occur. When you feel your plant is healthy, then you can allow it to bloom.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Is the self-watering pot a good choice for this plant? Should I try to keep the soil drier in order to avoid fungus?
AnswerThe African violet pots are fine for subtropical and tropical butterworts. I have a fairly large Mexican butterwort in one right now. It's been in there for several years.
In your case, try potting your plant in a regular plastic pot. Not all AV pots are constructed the same. Some allow more water through than others, and yours could be one that allows too much water through. Slightly drier soil will help, especially when we enter the winter months.
I also recommend putting your plant in a location where it can get some direct sunlight. The extra UV light will kill off fungal spores. South windows are fine for butterworts. During the winter months, the sun is generally lower in the sky and the light intensity isn't as strong.