I have had this Drosera Adalea for about 6 months now and it was the first plant that you sent me. It started looking pretty sorry about 1 month before I left school for summer break. It was here in the same place though while I was gone being taken care of. I am using distilled water, the soil it was shipped in, it has been about 84 degrees in my room where I keep it. I have tried keeping it out of any direct sunlight and putting it in my east facing window but nothing has revived it. I have been keeping it watered. It has been losing leaves, not producing any dew, wilting, no growth progress, leaves becoming thinner, root system not spreading. Thanks a lot for your time and help!
Answer Hi Sterling,
Thanks for the photo. That always helps. Your plant isn't getting enough light. Way to often when folks hear that a plant is shade tolerant, such as D. adelae, they mistakenly think that means very low light. It doesn't. D. adelae does best in partial sun, especially in a windowsill. Unless the window is blazing hot, more sun is better than less. I have one in a south facing kitchen window that does just fine.
You'll need to give it some time to transition once you move it to brighter light, but it will look much better with more light. It'll take about 3 weeks. Make sure it stays constantly wet. It could be too that your room is a bit warm. If you can keep the plant in the 70's it'll be happier.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest