Judith hindle
How will I know if this Judith Hindle is alive. I cut it back for spring time. When was doing that I discovered it has white stuff around around it I put it outside in the sunlight. Haven't seen any of the white stuff around it. I have attached a photo of the plant.
AnswerHi Weylin,
The photo isn't clear enough to figure out what I'm looking at. To be sure, are you referring to the white stuff that's on the soil completely surrounding the plant? Was this photo taken prior to putting it in sunlight, and did all of the white stuff on the soil disappear when you set it in sun? My first impression was that the white stuff on the soil is sand.
But to answer your question, you can determine if your plant is alive by removing it from the soil and examining the roots and rhizome. The rhizome should be firm. If you scrape a bit of the skin off, the core should be white. The growing points should be bright red.
If the rhizome is soft, or the core and growing points are brown, then it's time to toss the plant and start anew.
If you need further assistance, please write back with more details about the situation. If possible, upload a clear close up of the white stuff.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin