Saracennia flava
I have a barrel of saracennias, most of which are growing fine. One (a flava) is coming up deformed and with a brown veiny discolouration of the leaves. I thought it was aphids, although there is no sign of them, and have sprayed repeatedly but this hasn't helped. Could it be any kind of root based parasite? Or thrips? What treatments are safe to use?
Any help much appreciated!!
ANSWER: Hi Rich,
This looks more like physical/chemical damage. The leaf in the middle of the photo that has the brown residue and bent over looks similar to what I've seen when herbicide drifted onto some of our plants. Did anyone spray herbicide anywhere in the yard? Also, what was the pesticide you used? Insecticidal soaps can cause this kind of damage, especially if sprayed in hot weather.
At this point you could dig up the plant to inspect the rhizome and see if any critter has gotten to it. Otherwise you may just need to give it time. Be sure to top water it with plenty of water, and wash the leaves also in case it is some kind of chemical damage.
The types of insecticides we've used safely include Acephate (Orthene), Imidacloprid, Neem, Permethrin, and Pyrethrins. We avoid insecticidal soaps, and any oil based insecticide.
Let us know how they do.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
Thanks for your response. I've found the original packaging and the active ingredient is called pirimicarb. Do you know if this is likely to be the cause? I have no idea what the othe ringredients are I'm afraid.,
AnswerHi Rich,
I looked up the insecticide and it sounds like it's a relative of carbaryl, brand name "Sevin" used here in the U.S. Diazinon is also similar. I do remember some growers reporting leaf damage from use of Diazinon, and you mentioned that you sprayed on a hot day. This is very likely the culprit. Your plants will probably be fine. You'll just need to cut off the damaged stuff.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest