I have a n miranda that was doing fine up to about a month ago.
It just seemed to stop growing and has not made a leaf for about a month. I keep it in a south window and use water from the sink.
Its planted in the soil from your website. I live in Oil City PA.
It still looks the same as in the pic and the pic was taken 5-27-10.What could be the problem?
AnswerHi Brandon,
Thank-you for sending the photo. That always helps. Because the new leaves on your plant look fairly pale, it looks like it's not getting enough light. I can see that it's in a window, but N. x miranda usually has distinctly reddish leaves when in proper light. It should be getting at least a couple hours of direct sun. I've gotten my best growth out of miranda when it was in west windows with strong afternoon sun.
You could also try giving your plant a weak fertilizer. 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water of an orchid fertilizer could give it a boost. However, this won't be a substitute for enough sun. Increasing the light needs to be the priority.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest