Nepenthes Unknown
Hi Christopher,
Some of my nepenthes leaves are going yellow, one of them is going reddish. As these leaves are older and lower I just wanted a sanity check I'm doing the right thing!
They get full morning sun and bright indirect direct for the rest of the day. I only water them with rainwater. I currently don't fertilise.
It is late Autumn here in Sydney. The weather here is slightly warmer than Wilmington, South Carolina.
I've noticed some vigourous growth (and death of old pitchers) so I'm not sure what is happening. Usually at this time of year the pitchers develop as a "bud" and don't develop fully into a pitcher.
I've attached photos
AnswerHello Bradley,
Nice looking Nepenthes. From your phot, I am not certain of the species, but from the looks the plant is just fine. Lower leaves on long vines do tend to yellow as they age. Leaves that receive high levels of light can change color, turning reddish or purplish in some Nepenthes species. So long as new growth is forming and the majority of leaves are alive, the plant is fine. If light intensity is kept over 6000 to 12000 lumens and photoperiod is kept over 12 hours a day Nepenthes can keep producing pitchers year round. If it has not already, you may begin to see new vines bud near the base of the plant as it ages.