My Setup
QUESTION: I live near the beach in san diego, we do not see freezing temps. When should I cut off the dead pitchers and leafs
ANSWER: Hi Jeff,
When leaves start to brown cut them off. It's just good hygiene to keep the dead material off. Because your winters are so mild, you won't see as much leaf die-off as we do in colder areas.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thanks for your timely response!!
I was told to leave the dead leaves and pitchers on the plants until February to prevent the plant from starting to develop new growth prematurely..??
AnswerHi Jeff,
New growth in the spring is a result of photoperiod and temperatures. The decision to trim or not is usually based on aesthetics and hygiene. In 30 years of growing Sarracenia I've never seen one start growing prematurely because of trimming it's dead leaves off. If anything you're just doing the plant some favors since the rhizome will get more sun and develop healthier new leaves.
It's possible your confusing doing rhizome division with trimming the leaves. That is an affair you shouldn't do too early. It seems to suit the plants best if they can have weather warm enough to start growing after division to recover from the damage.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest