san clip
QUESTION: sorry about that!
here is the pic.
ANSWER: Hi Darren,
Your cutting looks very good. Just give it the regular fertilizer regiment. More than anything else the plant needs sun and longer days to grow faster. You'll see that happen if you have it in a window towards the end of next month as days get longer. Keeping temperatures in the 70's-80' will help also.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: i've got the cutting next to a 40watt flourescent (sp) grow light. its been there since i first made the cutting. right now i've got the timer set on the light for 10 hours a day. (i dialed it back when the daylight savings time hit in november, and i was planning on setting it back to 14-15 hours when we reset our clocks again in march). would it be better in a window getting real sunlight? or should i just keep doin' what i've been doin?
AnswerHi Darren,
If you're using fluorescent light crank it up to a 15 hour day, and try and get it fairly close to the light; within 3 inches. If possible, you could combine window light with the fluorescent for maximum effect. With Nepenthes you don't need to cut back on the daylight hours since they are true tropicals and don't see much of a change in daylight hours in nature.
Good Growing!
Jeff Dallas
Sarracenia Northwest