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Tendril of Rosette clipped!

Hello Chris. i have recently purchased an infant Nepenthes ramispina. It was doing well and opened a new pitcher. The plant WAS flourishing until my cats massacred it!. the chewed its litter pitcher beyond recognition and one of its newer leaves. i wasn't really to worried about that because i know from experience with my older N.Ventrata those are disposable and often grow back. But the top of the rosette (forgive me if my terminology is off i mean the tendril like structure that comes out of a newly unfolded leaf) was chewed to bits so i had to clip it! I do know that this is the plants method of growing so did my cats and i stunt it or will it somehow fix itself.
Thank you!

Hello Steven,

If I correctly understand what occurred, your cats chewed the growth point off the top of the Nepenthes vine. This will keep that particular growth point from growing any further. What will occur is that a new growth point, or several, will begin budding further down the vine and begin growing out at a new angle. Nepenthes are tough plants and can survive some quite catastrophic events (pun not intended.) You might want to place the plant where the cats can't get to it or grow it near plants or substances your cats do not like the smell of.


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