pitcher plants
QUESTION: I have sarracenia leucophylla tarnok, alata, daina delight hybrid, mardi gras hybrid. Your video says I can clip the brown pitchers. Do you mean as soon as they turn brown? Or are they still digesting? I don't see any insects around them. They are in full sun, and in the same pots shipped in, with water in the tray constantly. Summer temps have been near or in the 100s.
ANSWER: Hi Elaine,
The idea is to cut off the leaves when you can't stand looking it at them anymore, regardless of whether they have insects in them or not. So it's really a matter of your aesthetic preference. Some folks cut off the pitcher the moment it starts to turn brown on top. Other growers will wait until the pitchers are half way brown. Still others don't care at all and will let the pitchers turn completely brown. So the preference is really up to you. There's no hard or fast rule on this one. Just cut them off when you can't stand looking at brown pitchers.
Good growing!
Jacob Farin
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Do the plants in the pic look okey? Or do they need extra attention?
AnswerYour photo was taken on August 20, so I can only comment on what I see in the photo rather than what your plant is experiencing right now. In the photo, the plants are doing just fine. It's very normal for pitchers from early season to brown up in late summer. If anything, it looks like the plants could use more direct sunlight. The pitchers are a bit thin, which is often attributed to insufficient light. In general, it should be the type of sunlight that you use to grow tomatoes. Other than that, nothing jumps out at me.